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The Road Trip To Nowhere

Monday, March 16, 2009

I've just returned from my Sec 1 camp and have got a whole lot to talk about it.

Complaints #1
Of course, after the camp I've got lotz to complain about. Let's start with a major one.

This complaint is regarding the Student Leaders. Well, not my Student Leaders for that matter. Mine were great and humorous. They were fun to be with and tolerated our nonsense. But some other SLs were rubbish. Like the one that called James a...a b****** if you know what I mean. An SL! Not just a regular dude, but an SL!!!

Also, there was another unreasonable one. He punished Marvin, forcing him to stand facing the tree and not doing anything, just because of one of the complaints he muttered. I mean, it was just a remark, and everybody else felt the same!~

People with attitude problems gotta change.

Complaints #2
This time it is about the food. I know that we should not expect much, and they have tried to make the food as scrumptuous as they can, I am not satisfied with the health level.

Okay, they gave us fruits and veggies, but just l00k @ that oil! Nearly everything was coated with a layer of oil. Especially the last day's noodles. That was literally soaked in oil.
Not that I'm really health concious or anything, but at least they could try to cook with less oil...

Complaints #3
Yes, complaints again.

This time it's about the campfire, which was really unimpressive. I mean, we just performed our own bits and had some mass cheering, but what else after that? Nothing. Not that I was looking forward to anything, after a bad experience in my P5 camp at exactly the same place.
It was supposed to be the big event, but all it did was give us an opportunity to scream our lungs out!

Praises #1
Whoa! Praises! Can it be true? Yes it can!
I would like to commend some of the SLs, like ours. They were indeed very encouraging, and helped the group to cooperate and bond well. I really enjoyed my time with my two SLs. They were very tolerant, and they told out-of-this-world jokes. Especially Kenneth. He loved telling Confucious jokes, which were really punny (All pun intended). Like "Man who stands on toilet bowl is high on pot" [Pot referring to the nickname of marijuana, or cannabis].
To all those gr8 SLs out there: kudos to you!

Praises #2
Huh? Can it be? More praises?
Yes it can.
I would like to praise the trainers for their invaluable support, help and effort to make things run smoothly.
Although they were fierce and strict at times, they still contributed to most of our camp life, putting everything on track for us.
Well, they can be emotional, like that bench-toppling incident for Groups 8-13. That was scary, but it was fun after all.
Specifically, my trainer, Sheikh, was k00l. He really pulled the team together and helped us get through the camp. He was also very lenient with our journals as well. :P
So, three cheers for the trainers! Gd luck with future camps! :P

Many people are complaining about how they ripped $110 (or $220 if you count Edusave) off us with a sucky camp. Well, I both agree and disagree.
For one, they did give us a boring itenary and loads of clean-up work to do, and that completely sucks. [According to the Basic Guide to Blogging, I should explain why that sucks instead of just putting it there, but really, don't you know already?] Neither was the campfire interesting / fun / interactive / attention-grabbing.
But then again, they did provide us with great lodging (as compared to the A-Huts and tents) as well as passable food although it was on the unhealthy side [refer to my previous post about the food...]. I mean, what can we expect if they have to cater to 464 hungry Sec 1s?
In conclusion, I find that the camp was indeed overpriced, but only slightly. Perhaps $180 would be good enough? :P

Lodging #1
What can I say about the lodging‽ <--[that is an interrobang]
Many people have been complaining about the dormitories, saying that it was too smell / cramped / wooden / brown, but I say that they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too pampered.
I'll have you know, the A-huts, the ones I stayed in in my P5 camp, were much worse. They were really cramped, everyone squeezing into a 5m x 5m x 5m space.
So, the dormitories were actually quite good! [as compared to the A-huts and tents, at least.]
By the way, during my Cub Pack trip to Malacca in '06, we slept on plain wooden boards under a shelter. I hope you over-pampered ppl stop complaining! Think about what the others had to face.
Somebody from my group (I forgot who) made a joke that they specifically put the iSpark people in dorms because we were wimpy / nerdy / geeky and could not take the harsh conditions of any other worse form of lodging. Well, since we were in the dorms, who cares anymore?

Lodging #2
Well, I can say that the lodging was pretty fine as compared to my previous camp at the same location, where I had to stay in an A-Hut, which was terribly damp, cramped, poorly ventilated, sandy, and most of all, uncomfortable. This time, I got to stay in the dormitory, which was gr8!

Firstly, there were actually mattresses, pillowcases and bedsheets, all of which were lacking in the A-Huts, where I had to make my living space within a 3m x 1m wooden board without anything remotely cushiony within a 500m radius.
Secondly, there was a built in toilet and shower facility, which meant that we did not have to use the common showering area I had to use previously. Somehow I didn't think that the constructors of that place adequately used open concept here...Anyway, there were two toilet cubicles and one shower cubicle for our usage as and when we needed it--not that we are all scarmbling for it, though.
Thirdly, the dorm is elevated so less sand gets into our shoes, socks, bags et cetera. Unfortunately that also means more leaves and twigs are blown into the dorm, but at least they can be removed with ease.
Perhaps the lodging could be improved with better ventilation, because the window mechanisms are a tad bit too rusty.

8:44 PM


i'm alvin.
i come from hwa chong institution in singapore.
i'm in class 2i2. yes, i'm a sparkie.
i'm 14+ years old; celebrated my bdae on feb 12.
my hobbies r simple: reading, piano, com games.
i like animals, especially cats mudkipz.
enjoy my blog.



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